

SRT (Spiriual Response Therapy) 靈性反應療法是由羅拔、特斯勒 Robert Detzler所建立。




除了與個案面對面的癒療方式外,靈性反應療法也可以在電話中會診或遠矩離進行,這給許多公眾人物一個安全網。個案可以很放心,因為所有在療癒過程與結果都是保密(therapist-client-privilege)。許多顧客會想替家人或親友,愛人在他 / 她們不知情之下做治療,這也可行的,然而這樣做時,執行師/諮詢師一定會徵得他們靈魂的同意。

Robert 說," 這是一個尋找潛意識與靈魂記錄的有效系統,它會很快的找到並釋放不和諧的,有限制的創意,然後代以充滿愛與支持力的創意與信念。靈性反應療法供給了我們生活中一個準確的,充滿力量的,無痛的外在與內心的天地。 "

Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) is a powerful, quick and accurate spiritual healing technique that helps you to find and remove blocks which keep you from living a healthy, prosperous and abundant life. SRT works on a spiritual level to help eliminate spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical challenges which are often linked to past life issues.

SRT works directly on a spiritual level by-passing the conscious mind to release negative programming. Using a pendulum, a set of charts, and a specific series of questions all discordant programming in the subconscious mind and soul records can then be cleared. SRT consultations can be on a one-to-one basis, by telephone with the interactive participation of the client, or remotely. With remote or absent clearings, the results are mailed to the client. This type of clearing may benefit those who wish for anonymity, although total client privacy is practiced by all SRT practitioners working under the Spiritual Response Association's Code of Conduct. Many clients request SRT clearings for loved ones who, although unaware that the work was requested can, as a result, experience positive changes in their lives. (Note: the soul's permission must be received before any SRT work can be performed)
SRT also works very effectively on animals and can be applied to restoring harmony in homes and offices.

"Is a system of researching the subconscious mind and soul records to quickly find a release the discordant, limiting ideas and replace them with loving, supportive ideas and beliefs. SRT provides and exacting, powerful, virtually painless and accurate way changing the landscape of our inner and outer lives." by Robert Detzler.

資料參考: (文章部分內容改自此來源)


Alice Foehn (台灣、香港、大陸與日本地區目前唯一經過SRA協會認證的合格SRT/SpR教師)對SRT所做的說明:

    SRT 靈性反應療法
    創作者 靈魂心旅程 的頭像


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